AWEVBANK Manager V2.00 Virtual Bank Manager for the AWE32 Soundcard (C)'95 by Markus Eisenstoeck / Megota Software ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the Shareware-version. It has no limitations compared to the registered version, except some annoying registration-reminder dialogs. Registering cost $15. To register follow the guidelines given in the Online-Help. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The program needs VBRUN300.DLL which is not in this ZIP file, but can be obtained at various locations. You can get the newest version of AweVBank and other stuff at my homepage http:\\\megota ---------------------------------------------------------------------- AweVBank has been made and designed to make music-making with the AWE32-soundcard easier. Everyone (even with BIG ram on the card) has the problem, that you don't need the whole SBK but just a few patches from it. That's where AweVBank steps in. It allows you to just load those instruments you really need. It even gives you the power to quickly use any WAV-file without making a full blown SBK out of it. And it gives you the power to change patches while you are running your sequencer. Ever composed a song and wanted to quickly change a patch ? Just play it as a loop in your sequencer and change the patch with AweVBank! Or test all your piano-variations if they really fit into this song, or ... When you use the SysEx-MIDI-device that comes with the program, you can even load your patches automatically. When you're a user of Cakewalk you can export instrument-definition- files for this sequencer. AweVBank has extended online-help. Just press F1 whenever you think you need it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- List of features: * Create Virtual Banks that only have links to patches in SBKs or WAV-files. So you don't have to upload a whole SBK just to get one instrument. * Quickly use any WAV as a patch and set it's size (44KHz, 22KHz, 11KHz, mono, stereo) and other parameters like Envelope-settings while you are using it. * Change patches on the fly while you are using your Sequencer-Software (e.g. Cubase, Cakewalk) * Create Patch-libraries to quickly find patches you need, without searching through all your SBKs * Comes with it's own MIDI-device to automate the loading of patches and SBKs from your sequencer * Visual keyboard to quickly test patches without loading a sequencer. The keyboard can be controlled with your MIDI-keyboard or just by clicking with your mouse * Drag & Drop of AWB-Files directly to the program-window * A really visual approach to the task of patch-managing * Online Help ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Markus Eisenstoeck / Megota Software MEGOTA@PING.AT